Today I'll introduce you with a PHP script that will remove any/many white space(s) from a string. Basically use trim(), ltrim() or rtrim() functions to remove the spaces. But that does not remove the multiple spaces from strings. So, the below function should help solve this issue.
function replace_whitespace($Value = '') {
// Replace any whitespace with only a single space
return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($Value));
function replace_whitespace($Value = '') {
// Replace any whitespace with only a single space
return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($Value));
How to use:
echo '<pre>';
$Text = 'M. B. Parvez (Rony)';
echo $Text,' - ',strlen($Text),'</br>';
$Text = ReplaceWhitespace($Text);
echo $Text,' - ',strlen($Text);
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
$Text = 'M. B. Parvez (Rony)';
echo $Text,' - ',strlen($Text),'</br>';
$Text = ReplaceWhitespace($Text);
echo $Text,' - ',strlen($Text);
echo '</pre>';
M. B. Parvez (Rony)- 23
M. B. Parvez (Rony)- 19
M. B. Parvez (Rony)- 19