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What and why is spam
SPAM is one of the most annoying words to every online user. But how many of us know What is spam ? Even,  why Spammers would want to send spam to out email account?

Everyday millions of people get emails about buying some sort of things, prices, free stuffs, various services and etc..
You might ignore those emails but not many people does. That’s why spammers sent those mails to the user. Spammers use free email sending services for sending spams to you, so it does not cost them even a single penny. So sending out a million of them could be a cakewalk and use a software for that it become nothing. Let’s assume one out of every 1,000 emails falls for their ploy. As a result someone just got 1,000 new customers.

How did those spammers get your address in the first place? Actually they use a variety of techniques. They use programs called spam bots to search the web for emails and pick up them that could be listed on websites.

Also They use technique that called the Dictionary Method. They make email addresses with well-known email extension, For example They use Yahoo.com extension and make up all kinds of possible user names to go with it. For the instance they take any User Name and Make email address like UserName@yahoo.com them UserName1 , UserName2 and so on, until they can confirm one of those connected to an yahoo extension is a valid email address. They collect user names form sites for this case and then they can assure more emails are correct and deliver to the user that can be important to them.

Ever fill out a registration form on a website and find a little checkbox, probably near the bottom, that asking you if you want to receive additional information, newsletters, or something of related to that site? Often the box is checked, and in order NOT to receive the info, you have to UNCHECK it.notherwise your email addresses may be handed to spammers.

Many internet service providers (ISP) use a variety of methods to block spam before it ever gets to you. But if you use free source email accounts you have to be careful when you download emails to your computer

Mailwasher is a great piece of software that I found it connects directly to your in box on the server and takes care of emails there.
When you receive a message from one of these addresses, it is automatically marked as spam and deleted without your filters even being invoked.

Hope this information will help you..

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